Daily Archives: September 19, 2010

Mailbox Monday

My Mailbox looks a little like this one.My stacks of books are growing and growing…  I love it, but it’s kind of scary, too!

Russian Winter by Daphne Kalotay

I saw Booking Mama’s review of Russian Winter, and  I immediately entered her giveaway and put it on my books-to-find list.  When I saw it again in Shelf Awareness, I decided this was a book I really wanted to read and review, so I contacted Harper Collins.  Here it is, ready for me to start reading!  Thank you Harper Collins!

When she decides to auction her remarkable jewelry collection, Nina Revskaya, once a great star of the Bolshoi Ballet, believes she has finally drawn a curtain on her past. Instead, the former ballerina finds herself overwhelmed by memories of her homeland and of the events, both glorious and heartbreaking, that changed the course of her life half a century ago.

It was in Russia that she discovered the magic of the theater; that she fell in love with the poet Viktor Elsin; that she and her dearest companions—Gersh, a brilliant composer, and the exquisite Vera, Nina’s closest friend—became victims of Stalinist aggression. And it was in Russia that a terrible discovery incited a deadly act of betrayal—and an ingenious escape that led Nina to the West and eventually to Boston.

Nina has kept her secrets for half a lifetime. But two people will not let the past rest: Drew Brooks, an inquisitive young associate at a Boston auction house, and Grigori Solodin, a professor of Russian who believes that a unique set of jewels may hold the key to his own ambiguous past. Together these unlikely partners begin to unravel a mystery surrounding a love letter, a poem, and a necklace of unknown provenance, setting in motion a series of revelations that will have life-altering consequences for them all.

Interweaving past and present, Moscow and New England, the backstage tumult of the dance world and the transformative power of art, Daphne Kalotay’s luminous first novel—a literary page-turner of the highest order—captures the uncertainty and terror of individuals powerless to withstand the forces of history, while affirming that even in times of great strife, the human spirit reaches for beauty and grace, forgiveness and transcendence.

Scholastic and Brilliance Audio seemed to be celebrating Book Blogger Appreciation Week last week!

From Scholastic:

(When I visited Scholastic in May as part of the Book Blogger Convention, I was amazed at how friendly and willing to work with bloggers everyone we talked to was.  Then I got home, and never contacted them.  They didn’t forget about me!)

Allie Finkle’s Rules for Girls #6: Blast From The Past by Meg Cabot

My daughter hasn’t read the earlier books in the series, but she just picked up the Cabot’s Princess Diaries series a month or so ago, so she’s interested in giving this one a try.

StarCrossed by Elizabeth C. Bunce

This one looks intriguing to me!  The description says it combines “the richness of fantasy with the twists and turns of the best spy stories”, and the cover is just gorgeous!

The Miracle Stealer by Neil Connelly

This one sounds like it has the possibility of being a truly “wow” book. I’ll be interested in seeing if it lives up to the promise of the description.

Thank you to Scholastic for sending all three of these books! My daughter and I are both looking forward to reading them, although I have first dibs on the latter two!

My biggest surprise of the week came from Brilliance Audio.

Brilliance Audio is launching a new imprint of children’s books (including YA)– Candlewick on Brilliance Audio.  They sent me a box with copies of 12 books that are set to be released this month as part of that imprint.  I’ve put together a separate post on the launch and on these books!

And just to round things out, Pam from Bookalicious passed me her copy of Beth Kephart’s The Heart is not a Size,  and I have The Extrodinary Secrets of April, May & June by Robin Benway from Debbie at Debbie’s World of Books!  Thanks to those fantastic book bloggers.

Mailbox Monday is a weekly post where I talk about the books that have arrived in my house over the last week.

Marcia at The Printed Page hosts the Mailbox Monday Blog Tour. This month’s home is Bermudaonion’s Weblog.


Posted by on September 19, 2010 in books, meme


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Candlewick on Brilliance Audio

Regular readers of this blog know I’m a huge audiobook fan (I’ve listened to over 50 since the beginning of the year).  In my eclectic mix of books, I really enjoy YA and some children’s books as well.  In addition, I like sharing books with my 12 year old daughter.

Given that, I was excited by this news:

Brilliance Audio is launching a new imprint of children’s books, Candlewick on Brilliance Audio.

Even more exciting to me, they sent me CDs of the titles they are launching in September:

This is a fantastic assortment of books.  As you would expect from such a wide range, some of them are calling to me more than others– Finnikin of the Rock is already on my MP3 player.   My daughter immediately thought that Boy Trouble looks funny.  Flip through the covers, you may find something that calls to you!


Posted by on September 19, 2010 in books


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